Welcome to the first challenge for primary school children. These challenges are open-ended, purposeful tasks, differentiated for different abilities, that your child can enjoy every day. Enjoy yourselves!
This challenge asks children to draw on their creativity and share their indoor activity ideas with others. Many adults like to share their activity ideas but kids know best! It is a chance to collect their thoughts and share them.
Preschoolers and Reception: Talk to your child about what they like doing when they are at home. Help them to draw their ideas on paper and listen carefully to what they say. Scribe their ideas for them next to the pictures. You might then add some of your own ideas for them to draw. You can display this for future reference and to refer to if they get bored.
Years 1 and 2: Make 3 or 4 sections on a piece of paper. Ask your child what they like doing at home. Help them construct sentences, first verbally and then written – for example: ‘I like playing with my dolls’ or ‘I like building with Lego’. Try not to focus too much on spelling and handwriting – allow them to use their phonics sounds and express their likes. Display for future reference.
Years 3 and 4: The focus is now switching to writing for an audience. Ask your child to consider what ideas they can share with other children who might be looking for something to do at home. How could they present this so it is clear for others to understand? How can they use images, titles and bullet points to organise their work?
Years 5 and 6 and beyond: Get thinking about a magazine or online article, with a catchy title, subtitle, rhetorical questions and full paragraphs. Think about how to categorise your ideas so they are clear for the reader, and how to keep them engaged in the writing. Make your poster eye-catching too.
- Pre-schoolers and Reception
- Years 1 and 2
- Years 3 and 4
- Years 5 and 6 and beyond
Please don’t feel you have to stick to the year group options; let your child choose the option that best suits them.
Ask A Teacher and these challenges are run on a voluntary basis by Bella Learning. If you have a child in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2, you may be interested in purchasing our Bella Learning Games packs – it’s another super fun way to keep learning going at home.