
There’s a simple answer to this one… because you have told them to!

Imagine I gave you a piece of paper and told you to write a story about monkeys. Would you immediately be able to? Would you see the point? Would you have the ideas?

This week, I’ve had lots of parents exasperated because their children won’t write. My first piece of advice is: STOP! If they don’t want to write, there is probably a number of good reasons for it and pushing them to do it is a sure fire way put them off it and make negative associations with it.

So here are my top ways to help your child write (and love it!).


Literally no one enjoys writing for no reason so capitalise on those moments when there is a reason to write: letters, birthday cards, invitations, scripts for performances, shopping lists, instructions, recipes, games, tooth fairy, Easter Bunny, FC, the neighbour’s cat etc. You’ll be surprised how it changes their motivation.


Most people love to talk and write about what they love. If you change the subject of the story to dinosaurs, or Paw Patrol or Minecraft or Frozen, would that ignite more enthusiasm?


It’s almost impossible to write something if you don’t have a clear model for it. The easiest way to help your child naturally construct sentences is to read, read, read but it’s also incredibly valuable to model the process to them. Let them watch you write a story… then see who doesn’t want to write ??! Joking – but it’s so helpful for them to see you do it.


Mix up the writing tools for fun – use different colours, the laptop, the iPad, post-it notes, little cards, etch-a-sketch, water mats etc. Make it fun!

I have so many more ideas and tips to share! Keep a look-out for a future ‘Inspiring Writers’ workshop.

I’m a big advocate for children to learn through wonder and creativity, and believe that it is possible for every child to be successful in education.

This is why I strive to support parents with my subject knowledge and expertise. With the right tools, parents can help their children learn in a way that suits them; learning through general conversation, play, reading and real-life activities, your child won’t even know they are ‘learning’.


I am writing hints and tips in a weekly newsletter; I’d love to land in your inbox weekly, with advice and insight into your child’s education.. if you’d be happy to join, please subscribe here:
